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Dental Clinic For Tooth Extraction & Removal in Coimbatore

best dental clinic coimbatoreTooth Removal

Top Surgical Tooth Extraction & Removal Treatments in Coimbatore

Tooth extraction is a dental procedure where a tooth is removed from its socket due to damage or loss of structure. Wisdom teeth, the third molar teeth, are removed in cases of angled eruptions or pericoronitis. The procedure, carried out by a skilled dental surgeon, typically takes 45 minutes to an hour. Anesthesia is administered, and the surgeon makes an incision around the tooth. The procedure is completed with medication and gauges to control bleeding.

A man getting tooth Extraction And Removal Treatment by Expert dentist using dental tools.

Raj Kumar's Dentistry dental clinic in Coimbatore offers tooth extraction services, addressing patients' fears and ensuring a painless procedure to remove decayed teeth. A healthy smile is essential, but severe damage or decay can lead to tooth extraction. Raj Kumar's Dentistry ensures a stress-free and painless dental procedure for patients affected by trauma or disease, promoting a natural, confident smile.

    Common Signs You May Need a Tooth Extraction

  • A tooth extraction may be necessary for various reasons.
  • If a tooth has suffered severe and irreparable damage
  • Tooth decay can cause pulp damage, infection, root canal procedures, or tooth extraction if severe, requiring root canal treatment or extraction to prevent further spread.
  • If the patient is suffering from periodontal disease
  • Periodontal disease is a serious infection affecting the foundation of gums, ligaments, and teeth, potentially leading to tooth loosening and extraction.
  • To prevent an impacted tooth
  • An impacted tooth, often in wisdom teeth, blocks erupting gums to prevent them from coming out, potentially causing damage to other teeth and lowering infection risk.
  • Eliminate overcrowding
  • One or more teeth may need to be extracted to prevent overcrowding and maintain tooth alignment.
  • After an accident
  • An extraction may be necessary after an accident, such as a car accident, if tooth preservation is impossible.
best dental clinic coimbatoreWhy Choose Us?

Why choose Rajkumar’s dentistry in Coimbatore?

Advanced Equipment

Our dental clinic uses advanced, reliable equipment for effective treatments, enhancing precision and patient comfort, and investing in top-notch technology to provide the highest standard of care.

Affordable Dental treatments

Our clinic provides affordable, high-quality dental treatments, promoting access to essential services and regular check-ups, ensuring overall well-being without financial stress.

Experienced Dentists

Our clinic has experienced dentists providing skilled oral care, years of experience, and confidence in handling various dental issues, ensuring comprehensive and personalized solutions for patients.

best dental clinic coimbatoreFrequently Asked Questions

FAQ's About Tooth Removal And Tooth Extractions in Coimbatore

Wisdom tooth removal surgery in India is a minor oral procedure performed by a dental or oral surgeon. It takes 30–60 minutes and involves injecting anaesthesia to numb the area, making an incision, and extracting the tooth. The surgery can be quick or involve cutting a part of the dental bone. The bleeding is stopped with a gauge and medication recommendations.

After removing a tooth, a blood clot forms in the space left behind, starting the healing process. Following the aftercare instructions is important, like avoiding strenuous activities and eating soft foods. You might feel slight discomfort and swelling in the next few days, but medications and ice packs can help. The gap slowly heals, and in the future, you can explore options to replace the missing tooth if needed.

After getting a tooth removed, eat soft and easy-to-chew foods like yoghurt, mashed potatoes, soup, and smoothies for better healing. Avoid hot, spicy, or crunchy foods that might bother the healing spot. As you heal, you can slowly return to your regular diet, following what feels good and your dentist's advice.

A tooth can be extracted in two ways: it can be pulled or surgically removed. In either case, your dentist will numb the area with a local anesthetic, and special instruments will be used to loosen and remove the tooth and its root. If surgical removal is necessary, patients are typically given IV sedation.

After a tooth extraction, adhering to specific guidelines for optimal healing is crucial. Avoid smoking or using tobacco, as it can impede the healing process. Refrain from vigorous rinsing or spitting to prevent dislodging the blood clot at the extraction site. Steer clear of hot or spicy foods, and do not use straws, as these actions can impact the healing socket.

The time it takes to remove a tooth depends on where it is, how complicated the procedure is, and the health of your teeth. Simple extractions can be quick, often just a few minutes, while more complex ones might take 20 minutes or more. Your dentist will give you a better idea of how long it will take during your first visit.

The expenses associated with tooth extraction can differ based on various factors, including the tooth's location, complexity, and the dentist's charges. Generally, a simple extraction may cost less than a more complex one, like wisdom tooth removal. Additional charges may apply for anaesthesia, X-rays, or subsequent visits. To understand the costs specific to your situation and explore potential insurance coverage, discussing these aspects with your dentist is crucial. They can also provide information on financial plans or assistance options available to help address any financial concerns.

There isn't a specific age limit for tooth extraction, as the necessity for extraction can arise at any age. The decision to extract a tooth depends on various factors, including dental health, the tooth's condition, and the individual's overall well-being. Children may undergo extractions for issues like baby teeth not falling out naturally, while adults may require extractions due to decay, damage, or orthodontic reasons. Dentists assess each case individually, considering the best course of action to maintain oral health. Regular dental check-ups help monitor teeth and identify potential extraction needs early on.

Removal of a tooth, or extraction, has some advantages. It can ease the pain and discomfort caused by severely damaged or infected teeth. Taking out problematic teeth helps prevent infection from spreading to nearby teeth and gums. Sometimes, tooth removal is needed for orthodontic reasons, making room for proper tooth alignment. When wisdom teeth cause issues like impaction or infection, extraction prevents complications. Dentists carefully assess each situation to decide if removing a tooth is necessary, focusing on maintaining oral health.